Great Wall of China

Known as the longest manmade structure in the world, the Great Wall of China attracts as many as four million tourists a year. But more than its “longest wall” title, the wall is a national heritage of China as it has protected the region from various invasions across time. 

The wall was built over a period of 2000 years by millions of Chinese citizens. 

Before the wall, the northern nomadic tribes ravaged the Northern China border. But after the wall went up, the nomads stayed out. The walls play a major role in both Chinese as well as the history of the modern world. So while on these walls, know that you are walking where history was forged. 

More than its historical value, the Great Wall of China is popular for its awesome vantage point and view. The sight from the top of the walls is simply magnificent. You get to see miles and miles of magnificent natural and cityscapes. 

Another awesome part of visiting the wall is that you get to see other parts of China. There are lots of historical sites and modern wonders to experience in China. And the food, oh the food! You get to experience “Chinese food” in a place where it is just called food. 

So a trip to experience the grandeur of the great walls of China is definitely worth your while.