Golden Gate Bridge

The historic bridge connects the city of San Francisco to the Californian Marin County. Spanning about 1.7 miles (almost 3km) this bridge, which was named one of the seven wonders of the modern world, took an astounding four years to complete. 

The beauty and elegance of the bridge make it the most photographed bridge in the world. The Golden Gate Bridge is so iconic because, at the time of its completion, it was a mark of the progress America has made over the years. It set the precedent for suspension bridges throughout the country and even possibly the world. 

Another reason this bridge is a tourist attraction is that its surrounding landscape has been designated the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. This park which is made up of a collection of regions is home to other major tourist attractions. One of the most popular ones among these tourist attractions is the infamous Alcatraz prison. 

The park spanning roughly 60 miles is home to approximately 3000 plant as well as animal species. This extensive natural park offers various hiking programs for tourists and visitors to enjoy. The natural outdoor air and company of the wide array of wildlife is a relief from the stress of everyday issues.